Who We Are

In today’s world of subscription-based services, signups are easy. But opting out is hard.

Cancel Account aims to make account cancellations and subscription deletions as fast and painless as possible. We provide services and resources for erasing all types of accounts, from social media profiles to cable, utilities, and all types of signups.

About the Team

Brian O’Donnell
As a data engineer by trade, I know firsthand the consequences of data breaches. I started Cancel Account with the aim of making it easier to erase online accounts and safeguard your sensitive information from data brokers and possible data leaks.


Amanda Spikes
I am a passionate privacy advocate. Even before the Digital Privacy Alliance, I have been campaigning for stronger consumer privacy legislation and better data protection. I do my part for Cancel Account to empower individual consumers to take back their privacy and help educate them on Big Data.

Daniel Bradley
Having spent two decades in the digital marketing field, I am no stranger to how customer information is used and traded beyond what the customer initially signed up for. I joined this site to help users prevent the invasive use of their information for other services.